Canadian Real Estate Association


CREA 2021 International Real Estate Business Survey

Welcome to the Canadian Real Estate Association’s (CREA) 2021 International Real Estate Business Survey!

This survey gathers information about the size and characteristics of Canadian REALTORS®’ transactions with international clients. Please complete this survey even if you don’t have any international clients so we can measure international business relative to the total real estate market. It will also allow CREA to identify the challenges and opportunities for REALTORS® related to inbound and outbound international transactions.

As a sign of our appreciation, participation in this survey qualifies you to be entered into a draw for one of the following prizes: (Prize draw not valid in Quebec):

  • one (1) of four (4) $500 Gift Cards (one for each Canadian region); or
  • one of fifty (50) $10 coffee cards to the respondent’s choice of either Starbucks or Tim Hortons.

Winners will be notified by Framework Analytics (or Framework Analytics on behalf of CREA) via the email address you provide in the survey.

Thank you for your time and participation!

Confidentiality of Survey Data

While completing the survey, please keep in mind all responses are anonymous and are treated confidentially. The privacy of your responses has been protected in several ways:

  • The website is secure;
  • An external consultant, Framework Analytics Inc., is collecting and analyzing the results;
  • Framework Analytics Inc. is fully compliant with privacy legislation;
  • This survey is conducted in compliance with the industry's code of ethics; and
  • Responses will be grouped and will be anonymous.

If you have any questions or comments, please contact Alec Milne at .

Thank you for your cooperation and time.