Framework Team

Alec MilnePrincipal
Business Experience
  • Market Research Professional
  • Business Economics and Financial Analyst
  • Certified Management Consultant
  • MBA, Schulich School of Business
  • BA (Economics), University of Western Ontario


Alec’s passion for an analytical approach toward problem-solving has earned him a 20-year reputation for quality and service in economic valuations, project planning and implementation, analytical studies, business plans, satisfaction surveys and market assessment studies. Alec’s dedication to clients enables him to deliver practical and effective recommendations within clients’ means, which guarantees effective and efficient implementation and measurable results.

In addition to his professional success, Alec is also an active volunteer on many not-for-profit and association boards. With a background in sports, Alec has experienced success both as a team member and coach of sporting teams.

Consulting Success

  • Researched, analyzed and wrote market feasibility reports and economic evaluations that were successful in their submission to the Alberta Securities Commission as part of several clients’ Initial Public Offerings on the Alberta Stock Exchange and the Venture Exchange.
  • Conducted large-scale quantitative research projects based on customer satisfaction measurement and total quality implementation, including design, coordination, statistical analysis, and report generation. Selected clients include Calgary Airport Authority, City of Calgary, Brookfield, Medicine Hat Police Department, SAIT, TransCanada Pipelines and Corus Entertainment.
  • Completed many senior-level economic analytic studies. Selected examples include studying the “Canada Benefits” of CIDA investments for the PetroCanada International Assistance Corporation; studying the economic value to the economy through the measurement of wealth creation by increasing the capacity of facilities at post-secondary educational institutions; studying the economic impact of transmission lines through various routes in Alberta; studying the economic feasibility to placing run-of-river dams on major rivers of the Northwest Territories and then exporting the resulting electricity unto the north American electrical grid; determining the operational and economic feasibility of a major realignment of transportation and shipping routes for commodity-based products in Western Canada, and determining the long term economic impact of stay-in-school programs run in smaller centres throughout Alberta.
  • Completed senior-level economic analytic studies for other clients, including Sultran, Shell Oil, TELUS, United Farmers of Alberta (UFA), Calgary Economic Development, Junior Achievement of Southern Alberta and the Canadian HIV Vaccine Initiative.
  • Written business plans & strategic plans for over 100 companies. These plans and analysis helped those companies achieve their objectives through the realistic projection of market share, and the required marketing and product development investment and maintaining a strong financial structure. Selected clients include The Ontario Association of Chiefs of Police, Western Oilfield Environmental Services, Delta Environmental Management, The Calgary CFA Society, and The Calgary Stampeders Football Club.
  • Performed numerous economic analytical projects for clients with very specific requirements, such as financial presentations to banks, financial analyses for board presentations, financial projections for business plans, economic analyses of major asset purchases, and economic analyses of new and potential ventures. Selected clients include The University of Calgary Graduate Student Association, Magnetic Pain Solutions, The Mannix Foundation, Projex, Kasian Architecture, Raymac Surveys, Trophy Hunters, Ethnicity Catering, Trico Homes, and Strix Development Inc.
  • Designed and implemented training courses for professional development organizations that concentrated on effective business planning, economic analysis, forecasting and strategic management.
  • Conducted governance reviews for many board-led organizations. Selected clients include Corus Entertainment, The Lindsay Park Sports Society, Tourism Calgary, Calgary Certified Accountants, The Genesis Centre, Vertigo Theatre, The Calgary Winter Club, and SeaSpan.
John GallowayPrincipal, Framework Partners Inc.
Domain Expertise
  • Strategic planning
  • Organizational capacity building
  • Performance effectiveness enhancement
  • Governance


John is co-founder and Principal with Framework Partners Inc. With over 25 years of business experience, John has honed a strong methodical approach that keeps focusing on desired outcomes. His natural ability to remain objective makes him a strong leader and calming effective force for senior executives and Boards.

John has assisted national and international organizations to adapt to rapidly changing environments. He is able to provide a link from the technical issues to a framework through which companies are better able to view their business more strategically. John is co-author of a textbook on strategic planning.

Consulting Success

  • Led several strategic reviews of the Western Canadian sulphur industry, considering traditional gas-based and emerging oil sands-based supply sources and associated infrastructure required to move the production to tidewater. Supported the development of greenfield asset proposals to capture strategic opportunities and enhance the supply chain from source to tidewater.
  • Conducted an assessment for a major international firm concerning their level of readiness to launch a commercial scale SAGD operation in the Canadian oil sands. Worked with the client to develop a multi-year plan to develop the required capabilities and processes.
  • Worked with a multi-national oil sands developer to support growth strategy development and transition planning from an initial demonstration project to full commercial operation of a multi-billion dollar SAGD (Steam Assisted Gravity Drainage) project.
  • Worked with senior management teams at several oil and gas midstream players to frame and assess market opportunities for natural gas and natural gas liquids (NGLs) midstream assets, develop and evaluate strategic alternatives, and establish a strategic direction and priorities for future growth.
  • Provided process guidance and facilitation support for Gibson Energy’s annual strategic business planning process. Defined overall process and worked with internal teams to assess Canadian and US markets for well site fluids and services, pipelines and transportation, environmental services, propane distribution and natural gas liquids (NGLs). Assessed competitive dynamics and customer requirements as inputs to set longer-term strategies and near-term implementation priorities.
  • Developed operational model and analytical tools, based on historic rail, vessel and operational performance data, to assess scenarios for expansion and consolidation at a bulk commodity marine terminal.
  • Conducted a situation assessment related to governance practices and roles, identified gaps, and developed an action plan to address gaps for an industry consortium. Developed and facilitated workshops to evolve governance practices, developed a governance protocols document and developed and implemented an assessment tool to gauge implementation success.
  • Facilitated and supported strategy development and planning efforts with a major North American natural gas transmission company.
  • Facilitated and supported efforts to identify and assess strategic options and develop a strategy at Alliance Pipeline.
  • Facilitated an industry working group comprised of oil and gas company representatives to develop a new model and agreement for the stockpiling and handling of a bulk commodity at a marine terminal on Canada’s west coast.
  • Led a governance review of the Canadian Cattlemen’s Association, identifying opportunities to enhance the organization’s capabilities and representation in the aftermath of the BSE crisis.
  • Conducted numerous organizational and governance reviews for the private sector, public, not for profit and member-driven organizations to diagnose challenges and develop and implement strategies in alignment with their direction and goals.
  • Led a review of handling and forming alternatives for a major sulphur producer in Western Canada. Conducted qualitative and quantitative analysis of viable alternatives. Developed recommendations for infrastructure requirements.
  • Conducted a review of Canadian oilsands projects, assessed engineering, procurement construction (EPC) market opportunities and developed a market entry strategy for a major Korean firm wishing to enter the Canadian market.
  • Conducted a strategy workshop with a multinational oil and gas firm to assess the feasibility for a major gas to liquids conversion investment.
  • Led the development of a business plan to launch multiple crop and livestock businesses in the agriculture sector. Provided project management and support to a multi-disciplinary team to plan for and implement all aspects of several business lines.
  • UFA (Enterprise Solutions): Led the development and implementation of a new line of business to launch multiple crop and livestock businesses in the agriculture sector. Developed strategy, business plan and business model in the context of evolving industry and customer trends. Provided project management and support to a multi-disciplinary team to plan for and implement all aspects of several business lines, including development and implementation of customer-facing and internal processes to launch the business and support customer service delivery.
  • Facilitated the Products and Pricing team at NOVA Gas Transmission to re-conceptualize gas transmission service offerings and associated pricing across the province of Alberta from a competitive market perspective. Developed customer needs and market segmentation models that contributed to the development of fundamentally new concepts for services and rate design. Prepared two extensive rate design applications submitted to the Alberta Energy Utilities Board.
  • Led the strategic review of several North American and international electricity markets to provide the foundation for developing an acquisition and growth strategy for a major electricity generator. Assessments of each market included issues related to market structure, regulation, competition, current asset positions, capital structure and identification and screening of specific acquisition/development opportunities.
  • Worked with the Services and Pricing team at TransCanada Pipelines Ltd, initially to investigate alternative models for gas transmission service and pricing across Canada, and subsequently to develop a Transportation Services White Paper that introduced proposed new service and pricing concepts to industry stakeholders.
  • Prepared a strategic audit of a five-year cost-efficiency incentive settlement between a pipeline and its customers on behalf of the Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers (CAPP) and its members.
  • Worked with Unit Electrical Engineering (UEE), a manufacturer and supplier of electrical switchgear and related equipment to the North American and global mining industry, to assess market and growth opportunities, and support management in setting priorities and a plan of action to achieve growth.
  • Facilitated a working group of the Electric System Operator (AESO) to develop rules relating to the direct assignment of transmission projects. Worked with representatives of the AESO, the Energy and Utilities Board, transmission facilities owners and industry groups (IPCCAA and IPPSA) to understand the issues and build consensus around appropriate rules.
  • Led a strategic planning process with the Balancing Pool that included assessment of market issues, qualitative and financial analysis of strategic alternatives and development of a management implementation plan.
  • Led a market review and development of a strategic plan with the Kenonic Controls unit of Emerson Process Management.
  • Facilitated stakeholder workshops on behalf of the Market Surveillance Administrator to clarify issues and challenges related to information sharing between Owners and Buyers of Power Purchase Agreements.
  • Developed strategic alternatives and developed, evolved and assisted with the implementation of a customer segmentation framework with FortisAlberta.
  • Developed and evolved a customer segmentation framework with FortisAlberta, defined service implications and supported implementation efforts.
  • Conducted a review of stakeholder communication and engagement practices and developed recommendations for improvement at the Alberta Electric System Operator.
  • Assessed market potential and product capabilities and developed a commercialization strategy for selected services and assets at Enmax Power Corporation.
  • Worked with a small team of consultants to lead the management team at TransAlta Corporation through a strategic review of all generation, transmission and distribution assets in the mid-’90s. Led the Generation Team through a detailed assessment of international and domestic market opportunities, assessment of alternatives, and the selection and development of a preferred strategy to guide the generation business through wholesale and retail deregulation.
  • Led and facilitated a strategic planning process with Optimum Energy Management Inc., an electric sector consultancy, to assess the market situation, define a desired future state and develop clear strategies and accountabilities to achieve this future.
  • Designed, introduced and managed a strategic planning process to integrate strategic direction, and operational planning over a five-year period at NOVA Gas Transmission. The methodology engaged the organization in a more formal process of examining the business environment, considering the strategic implications of the environment, and articulating prioritized actions to achieve the organization's longer-term strategic direction.
  • Assessed market opportunities, developed market entry strategy and prepared business cases to support the national expansion of three Telus business lines.
  • Designed and facilitated the process to implement a balanced scorecard and operating performance indicators (‘dashboard) for the Customer Care unit of Telus.
  • Led a market assessment and development of a strategic plan with Nortel’s multi-media products division.
  • Facilitated a cross-industry stakeholder workshop for the Alberta Agricultural Products Marketing Committee to initiate a process of consultation regarding potential changes to the Agricultural Products Marketing Act.
  • Led a review and developed recommendations for strategic renewal at a major energy sector organization in Pakistan.
  • Led a strategic review and development of a strategic marketing plan for an energy sector EPC firm, OGP Technical Services Sdn Bhd, in South East Asia.
  • Introduced and led strategic planning processes at numerous nonprofit, community and social service agencies, including Woods’ Homes, Boys and Girls Club of Calgary, Momentum (formerly MCC Employment Development), Kids Cancer Care Foundation, Alberta Children’s Hospital Foundation, United Way of Calgary and Area, Calgary Chamber of Commerce, Canadian National Institute for the Blind (Alberta), and Heritage Park.
  • Conducted research into the concepts and definitions of Centres of Excellence for Kids Cancer Care Foundation of Alberta by reviewing over 50 organizations and institutions worldwide and developed a framework to examine and develop Centres of Excellence. Worked with the CEO and members of the Southern Alberta Children’s Cancer Program (SACCP) to evolve and document the concepts behind the formation of the Centre for Molecular and Experimental Therapeutics.
  • Designed and facilitated three strategy renewal processes (over a ten-year period) at Wood’s Homes, incorporating significant internal and external consultation. Core planning teams, with representatives from across the organization, sought input and validated strategy components with internal stakeholders throughout the process. Consultation with clients, parents, funders and service delivery partners was conducted to better understand needs and priorities from an external perspective.
  • Worked with senior management of Vantage Foods to assess markets, develop business cases, and articulate numerous strategy and market development proposals and presentations to support corporate acquisitions and market entry strategies. Led the management team through the development and implementation of a balanced scorecard and strategy maps for key business units.
  • Facilitated a business transformation team at a major corporation to achieve process improvements in Financial, Accounting, Investor Relations, Treasury and Legal functions.
  • Developed and implemented a membership survey for the Petroleum Joint Venture Association, analyzed and synthesized results and presented findings and recommendations to the Board of Directors.
  • Over a multi-year period, assessed FlyAsh market dynamics and opportunities in Western Canada and the Pacific North West and developed business and marketing plans for TransAlta FlyAsh.
  • Worked with TransAlta Fuel Supply to support the development of a mine permitting strategy.
  • Led preparation efforts and facilitated a strategic planning management retreat for Caltech Senex.
  • Led a visioning and strategic planning process with the Board and Management of the Calgary Zoo. The process included the development of a situation assessment that considered the Calgary Zoo’s positioning relative to key trends in zoological societies globally and local competitive issues, development of a long term vision to clarify strategic direction and provide a framework for future investment, and engagement of the Board selected stakeholders and senior staff in the process.
  • Facilitated a strategic planning and governance retreat with the Board and Management of Tourism Calgary. With the newly formed Board of Directors, the strategic direction and priorities of the organization were renewed and selected governance issues were addressed.
  • Worked with senior management at Alberta Economic Development to set a strategic direction and introduce a strategic planning process to complement business planning activities. The facilitated staff through an environmental scan; conducted a series of focus groups with staff to understand organizational capabilities; reviewed all departmental business processes; developed a communications strategy; and facilitated off-site sessions.
  • Led a strategic renewal initiative with the Regina Airport Authority that included clarifying Board and management roles and responsibilities, defining the process for setting the strategic direction, developing a common understanding of the Regina Airport Authority business environment, and confirming principles to guide the strategy development. Analysis and synthesis of data from a variety of sources provided a clear understanding of the marketplace and competitive dynamics in the sector. Building on this foundation, strategic drivers and issues facing RAA were identified and strategic alternatives were developed and evaluated. The engagement produced board consensus on a renewed strategic direction and growth plan enabling the organization to complete a strategy-led business plan.
  • Worked with the management team of a west coast bulk commodity terminal to review the global market environment for commodities, develop a strategic direction and set priorities for action.
  • Worked with strategy executive at EnCana Corporation to define the role, benefits and approach of the strategy portfolio in this large, newly formed and results-oriented exploration and exploitation company. Researched and assessed best practices in strategy and business planning. Developed and implemented a best practices model and process for strategy assessment, development and implementation.
  • Conducted a review of Canadian oilsands projects, assessed engineering, procurement construction (EPC) market opportunities and developed a market entry strategy for a global steel and engineering organization in Asia wishing to enter the Canadian market.
  • Worked with the ATCO Midstream management team to review the market situation and develop strategies for the continued growth of the midstream business.
  • Led an organizational renewal project at the Refined Products group at Husky Energy. Identified organizational effectiveness, workflow and roles and responsibilities across the organization. Worked with the management team to develop alternatives for the future and outlined an organizational model and defined roles and accountabilities to enable the achievement of business objectives.
  • Led the development of a strategic plan with ATCO Power, including assessing key factors impacting the outlook for electric generation in the near and longer-term and defining strategies that would accommodate the realities of a dynamic marketplace.
  • Worked with the Management team at Alberta Children’s Hospital Foundation to assess organizational effectiveness and to achieve alignment between the organization structure, strategic plan priorities and investment priorities. Developed principles, organizational model and implementation plan to transition to a new organization.
  • Conducted an assessment of the Beef Information Centre’s processes, capabilities and structure of the organization relative to its strategic direction and priorities. Developed recommendations to increase organizational effectiveness, alignment and accountability for results. Developed implementation plans, based on these recommendations, to transition the organization and its people to a state optimized for high-performance strategic results.
  • On behalf of the Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI) conducted a review of governance structures and practices for two of Canada’s major complex research projects, SNOLAB (Sudbury Neutrino Observatory) and NEPTUNE (Neptune Canada undersea observatory). The review assessed governance structures and management capabilities to gauge their capacity for long-term viability as the transition of the project from an infrastructure development phase to full operational status.
  • Led the strategy and business planning process at the Olds Centre for Innovation (OCCI). Work included market assessment, market positioning, clarifying strategic direction and prioritization, and ensuring organizational alignment around the priorities. Results include a clearly articulated organizational focus and identification of OCCI’s unique market position.
  • Supported the strategic planning process for IFASA’s Value-Added Meat and Meat Products Program, facilitating stakeholder engagement sessions and conducting a review of Alberta’s research infrastructure and capabilities. Results included enhanced program alignment, identification of strategic priorities to maximize program effectiveness and identification of implications for Alberta’s research and innovation efforts.
  • Developed a strategic plan with the Beef Information Centre, including clarification of strategic issues impacting the organization, developed market impact strategies and identified performance measures and targets for organizational performance.
  • Facilitated a cross-industry stakeholder workshop for the Alberta Agricultural Products Marketing Committee to initiate a process of consultation regarding potential changes to the Agricultural Products Marketing Act.
  • Worked with academics and administration at several post-secondary institutions to understand the dynamics of their funding and market environments, develop strategies for growth and develop the organization's capabilities required to achieve transformational change.
  • Facilitated Alberta Beef Producers’ strategic plan renewal process. The renewed plan provided the basis for consistent organizational alignment and direction, documented and sequenced key action priorities, while leveraged work and information already existing within the ABP and the Beef Information Centre.
  • Managed and facilitated a near-term strategic planning process, including stakeholder consultation, with the Agriculture & Food Branch of Alberta Economic Development. As well as enhancing and tightening Branch focus, results of this work include improved Branch alignment with AFRD and the Ministry and improved coordination and alignment with International Offices.
  • Worked with the management team at Streamline Control Solutions to assess the firm’s current situation, including capabilities, opportunities and challenges, and developed a strategic plan to achieve desired growth.
  • Worked with the management team at Iracore International in Hibbing, Minnesota, to assess market dynamics and company capabilities, and set a direction and strategies for growth inlined pipe in the oil sands. Assessed the firm’s current situation, including capabilities, opportunities and challenges, and developed a strategic plan to achieve desired growth.
  • Worked with the management team at Iracore International in Minnesota to assess market dynamics and opportunities, company capabilities, and set a direction and strategies for growth in the lined pipe market in the Canadian oil sands.
  • Worked with numerous participants in the Alberta electric sector since deregulation on strategy, business planning, stakeholder engagement and a range of other assignments. Clients have included: including TransAlta, ATCO Power, Fortis Alberta, the Balancing Pool, Enmax, AESO, and the Market Surveillance Administrator.
  • Supported transformation efforts at NOVA Gas Transmission including efforts to engage customers, establish needs-based customer segments and translate customer benefits into service delivery priorities.
  • Conducted an assessment of an information-sharing platform across the Canadian beef industry value chain. Developed specifications for future information sharing and managed the development of a purpose build platform to deliver user benefits, encourage information sharing and enhance the experience of users across the value chain.
  • Worked with Vibrant Communities Calgary to lead the development of a four-year implementation plan for the Calgary Poverty Reduction Initiative (CPRI) Strategy.
  • Introduced and led several strategic planning processes at Momentum that engaged staff, stakeholders and Board members in understanding the evolving market situation and setting direction and priorities for the future.
  • Led two cycles of strategic planning with the Canadian Sport Institute (CSI) Calgary, including assessing the high-performance sport environment, clarifying direction and establishing priorities. CSI Calgary provides expertise and services in sport science and medicine, coaching, research and innovation, and education, to optimize training and maximize the performance of podium path athletes
  • Designed and facilitated a process for the Calgary Minor Soccer Association (CMSA) to engage Technical Directors from all member clubs. The process produced multi-year goals and objectives to provide direction for minor soccer development in Calgary.
  • Canadian Roundtable for Sustainable Bee: Facilitated and supported member engagement session and development and renewal of CRSB’s strategic and business plans.
  • Livestock and Forage Centre of Excellence at the University of Saskatchewan: Facilitated stakeholder session and developed initial strategic plan for the LFCE.
  • Olds College Technology Access Centre for Livestock Production: Led a strategic planning effort at Olds College Technology Access Centre for Livestock Production
  • Led a strategic planning workshop ad developed an initial strategic plan with the Livestock and Forage Centre of Excellence.
  • Supported Alberta Environment in assessing and evolving the Grazing Lease renewal process and introducing the concept of Tenure for Stewardship.
  • Facilitated a national forum of pork industry stakeholders to introduce and plan for a national pork grading system (Canada Pork International).
Aaron VansevenandtConsultant
Business Experience
  • BComm (Marketing) MacEwan University
  • Facilitation and Logistics Support
  • Developing workshops and survey frameworks that surface meaningful data
  • Data and market analysis
"When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.
–Sir Arthur Conan Doyle


Strong work ethic, dedication to personal and professional growth, and a passion for marketing research have got me where I am today. My undergraduate education focused on marketing and marketing research, where I learned a number of techniques to collect and analyze data, and how to propose integrated strategic solutions from specific marketing research objectives.

Having been hand-picked for an academic research assistant position at MacEwan University where I earned my undergraduate degree, I have demonstrated that I possess the organizational skills and attention to detail necessary to be a successful marketing research analyst at Framework Partners.

Consulting Success

  • Producing reports that inform the client’s strategic direction
  • Using visual resources to present data in insightful and meaningful ways
  • Applying sound statistical analysis for reliable interpretation of data
  • Assisting in the facilitation of data collection at various points in the research process
Aaron specializes in data and market analysis, and drawing learnings from such analysis in order to reveal trends that impact results and conclusions. Aaron is an intelligent and hard-working Marketing Research Professional with a persistent focus that has allowed him to achieve success.
Lachlan MilneSenior Analyst, Framework-Partners Inc.


Lachlan is a determined and voracious learner. His post-secondary education career has seen him study and succeed in a diversity of settings. Lachlan has studied, at the advanced university level, Economics, Computer Science (Python, JavaScript, C, Java, ARM Assembly), Physics, Statistics, Film, History, Formal Logic, Japanese, and Philosophy.

Seen as a clear communicator and leader amongst his peers, Lachlan was invited to teach alongside his professors. Lachlan ran, as part of a masters-level seminar on pedagogy, communication, and mentorship, twice-weekly sessions for talented students at UofC to continue to refine their writing, argument, logic, and presentation skills. During this period of his life, Lachlan regularly volunteered and worked (250+ days over 4 years) with adults and teenagers with physical and developmental disabilities, helping them grow, build skills, and achieve their goals.

This background has given Lachlan a considerable breadth of ability. He is able to apply his diverse skill set to whatever challenge is at hand. Lachlan’s Economics, Computer Science, and Statistics education give him an advantage in data analytics. His background in Logic, History, and Philosophy gives him a framework to communicate complex ideas clearly and coherently.

Lachlan has continued to learn and grow during his time at Framework partners. His aptitude for numbers, strong work ethic, and the diversity of his skill set have helped him to excel in the challenging and ever-changing analytics world. Lachlan was promoted to Senior Analyst after only 6 months at Framework.

Benjamin WorkmanAnalyst, Framework-Partners Inc.


Ben graduated with a degree in Nanotechnology Engineering before working at the University of Calgary as a Research Technician. During this time, he developed his skills in data analytics by helping a large team of scientists develop novel techniques to analyze complicated problems in the energy sector. Ben takes these skills and improves them further through his work at Framework Analytics, where his eye for detail and ability to solve complicated problems ensures consistent high-quality solutions.

Ben’s multidisciplinary background and research experience leave him well equipped to take on any challenges that come his way. Ben dedicates himself to every project he participates in, working methodically and efficiently to produce exceptional results.

Leigh ScrivensSenior Consultant
Business Experience
  • BComm (Marketing) MacEwan University
  • Facilitation and Logistics Support
  • Developing workshops and survey frameworks that surface meaningful data
  • Data and market analysis
"When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.
–Sir Arthur Conan Doyle


Leigh has over 10 years of experience in North American commodity logistics, including commercial contract negotiation, service measurement and valuation, comparative economics, demand planning, and process and strategy development. Leigh’s strong analytic skills and ability to distill complex information into understandable formats make her successful in leading projects and facilitating cross-functional teams. Leigh has extensive experience in rail, marine and inventory operations, and in federal transportation regulatory affairs, including regulatory structures, policies and processes.

Leigh is a member of the Canadian Institute of Traffic and Transportation (CITT)