& Planning


Framework guides organizations through a comprehensive series of analytical steps to co-create strategy that achieves alignment within the organization, addresses issues and exploits market opportunities.

Framework’s strength lies in our ability to draw out innovative ideas and creativity from people throughout your organization.

Strategic Assessment

A clear understanding of the internal and external environment.

Framework identifies inputs and synthesizes findings to uncover strategic issues facing your organization.

  • Key trends
  • Competitive landscape
  • Customer and stakeholder needs
  • Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats
  • Achievable strategic priorities



Building a strong market position.

The strategy is framed by defining your organization’s desired position in the market and leveraging your unique capabilities and differentiators.

  • Confirm the values, vision, mission, key success factors, and goals that drive your organization
  • Establish a differentiated market position
  • Determine the key performance indicators (KPIs) to monitor progress

Implementation Planning

Moving the strategic plan off the page and into action.


Framework heads the process of identifying tasks that will set in motion the organization’s work to achieve its goals.

  • Ongoing operational priorities.
  • Accountability and time frames for delivery.

Organization-wide alignment fundamental to strategy success.

Framework works alongside and engages senior management in the translation of the strategy to each departments’ business plan.

  • Workshops to communicate the thinking and substance of the organizations’ strategy
  • Emphasis on clearly defined actions, timing, accountabilities, and metrics